Nob Hill Cat Clinic / SF Cat Blog

Nob Hill Cat Clinic

1540 California St
San Francisco, CA 94109





November is Pet Cancer Awareness Month

According to the Animal Cancer Foundation 1 in 5 cats will develop cancer throughout their lifetime. National Pet Cancer month is dedicated to spreadin ...

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A Mew Year’s Resolution: Your Cat’s Guide to a Slimmer 2019

Did Dr. Doe gently suggest a weight loss regimen at your cat’s last checkup? A 2014 Association for Pet Obesity Prevention research study found that 58 ...

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Movember: Male Cat Health

In support of Movember, we’re raising awareness on male cat health! If you have a special little man in your life listen up! You need t ...

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Top 7 Most Effective Cat Supplements

We’re excited pet supplements are becoming more popular! In addition to feeding a well-balanced diet, pet supplements can help ease joint pain, s ...

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Considering a Non-Anesthetic Dental

There has been a growing trend over recent years of non-anesthetic dental cleanings being offered through pet stores and grooming salons. We strongly r ...

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Dental Awareness Month!

Dental disease is extremely common in pets, with over 70% of cats having significant dental disease by the age of 3. A full dental prophylaxsis, under ...

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